Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ubisoft download manager sucks balls

I got a free copy of Assassin's Creed 3 when I bought a video card. I had to download it using something called Ubisoft Download manager. Man that things sucks. Maybe I'll post more once I figure out how to get it to work. It keeps reporting CRC failures and requests that I turn off DMZ on my router (which isn't turned on btw). What an embarrassing piece of crap software.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Concentration is gone.

Ugh. Is there any end to the distractions? An article I read recently said the average office worker is interrupted an average of every 11 minutes by phone calls, emails, or coworkers stopping by to chat. I don't know how accurate this report is but it sure seems like we are all developing ADD. I think technology workers are especially effected by this phenomenon. We, as a group, tend to be the overstimulated type to begin with constantly jumping around from topic to topic or from tab to tab in our web browser.

I am interested in everything and easily distracted by shiny objects: "oooooh look at that! I wonder how that works?" or "Boy I didn't realize they had released an update for that software, I wonder what the new- oh crap what does this log entry mean- now where did I put that book on log analysis- oh wow here is my old php book, i should pick that back up! I wonder if my web hosting account is still active, what was my domain again? Oh! I should check and see if any of my domains are getting close to expiring, let me search my email. Uh Oh there are 12 new messages in my inbox....."

And so goes my day. With dozens of calls, emails, and people stopping by or mentioning things to me as I pass by. It's really amazing that I get anything done at all... I learn a little about a lot and not in a very efficient way. I seem to remember spending countless obsessive hours learning one topic when I was younger, really digging in to how something worked, chugging coffee, chain smoking and writing code for days on end. I miss that. The intellectual pleasure of immersing myself into a topic completely and coming out the other side with some real solid knowledge that I have used ever since. I used to do this all the time.

I don't do that anymore. I have toys, I have a job, I have responsibilities, I have hobbies, video games, TV etc etc.... I had to give up caffeine and nicotine, my two major concentration enhancers, and now I have the attention span of a squirrel on amphetamines.

I'm not sure what to do about that...

Oh well, time to go check Facebook.